Home Tv Series Lady Luck Tuesday 10 December 2019 Zee World Update

Lady Luck Tuesday 10 December 2019 Zee World Update

Lady Luck Tuesday 10 December 2019 Zee World Update

Lady Luck Tuesday 10 December 2019 Zee World Update

Daadi sees Daadaji reading news paper and asks if he does not want to ask why she is tensed. He says even if he does not, she will tell. She says she got Bhoomi’s call and she was asking recipe for 50 people, seems her in-laws are making her work hard. He says it is her house and there is nothing harm to work. Surbhi hears their conversation and thinks of informing her ugly mom. She slips while walking and gets tensed when daada/daadi see her. Daadi asks what is she doing here. She says nothing and silently walks out to call ugly Suman.

Ugly suman enters Bhoomi’s room and asks what did she tell her daadi. Bhoomi says she asked recipe for dinner. Ugly says she should hide anything from her. Maan enters just then and ugly changes her words and says she will tell her what to prepare for dinner. She asks Maan how is he now. He says he is fine and was just having weakness. Ugly leaves and maan goes to sleep. Bhoomi looks her prepared quotation and smiles thinking she will get order. In the morning she happily prays god. Latha asks the reason for her happiness, and she says she got an idea to repay Vasundhara. Latha says she can take her help if needed.


Ansh’s employee and shows him all caterer’s quotations with everyone quoating between 180 and 150 while Bhoomi’s Saransh caterers quoting 100 rs. Ansh says maybe this is a new caterer and quality is bad, so they should wait until they get some more quotations. Bhoomi waits restlessly for reply and calls employee to know if his boss accepted her order. He says boss rejected it as he thinks her quality is bad. She says she will send a sample food today and then they can decide. employee agrees and says if boss does not finalize one, they will consider her after tasting her food.

Bhoomi goes to kitchen and asks Latha and ugly suman if she can prepare food today. Latha says she can. Bhoomi asks what Maan likes. LAtha taunts if she wants to prepare maan’s fav food and win his heart, says she is just joking and tells what he likes and dislikes. Ugly thinks this girl wants to impress Latha and get into her good books, but she will not let that happen.

Bhoomi prepares food and asks Latha to taste it. Latha tastes and says it is very tast and maan will like it. She labels Saaransh caterers label on tiffen and reaches Maan’s office, but watchman stops her. She says she is from Saaransh caterers and brought food.

Surbhi calls Varun and asks her to take him for date. Janaki comes and asks her to accompany her for satsang. Surbhi yells that she wanted to go on date, but she has to go to boring satsang now.

Ansh’s employee serves him bhoomi’s food. Ansh says food looks like his home food with label on it. He likes food and says he can pay 110 rs for this food and asks employee to order caterer not to drop their quality. Employee informs bhoomi and says she can send food for 8-10 days. Bhoomi gets happy

Bhoomi informs Vasundhara that she got a catering contract from a company and she will clear her 10000 rs debt with it. Vasundhara says she can go ahead with the contract but cannot use kitchen’s items and gas. Bhoomi agees.

Surbhi hesitates to go for satsang with Janaki. She plans, calls her friend and asks if she is in Ujjain, she cannot meet her today as she is going to Satsang with her saas. Janaki permits her to meet her friend. Surbhi SMSes her friend and calls her home.

Bhoomi calls Daadi and informs that Vasundhara warned he not to use kitchen items for her catering. Daadi says she can buy grocery and items from outside. Bhoom gets gas and groceries from outside. Ugly Suman sees that and thinks she has to do something.

Surbhi’s friends reach her room and ask why did she call them in a hurry. They taunt her for small room and asks her to change the interiors soon.

Ansh forgets his file and sends his assistant to bring it from home. Assistant reaches home, sees groceries and asks ugly suman if there is party at home. Ugly says their bahu has opened catering service.

Assistant calls Bhoomi and says boss cancelled order, but she can send food only for today. Bhoomi gets tensed and thinks how will she clear Vasundhara’s debt.

Ansh’s staff love bhoomi’s food. Assistant tells Ansh that staff is demanding same caterer. Ansh takes Bhoomi’s number, calls her, and tells she can go ahead with the catering and says hopes his wife also can prepare tasty food like her.

Bhoomi’s employees hand over her today’s catering money. She sends thanks and asks them to come tomorrow on time. She clears grocery bill and gets 2000 rs profit. Ugly suman feels very jealous that bhoomi got money so early. Bhoomi thanks god and then gives money 2000 rs to Vasundhara.

Vasundhara says she does not need money in bits and asks her to give it at once. Ugly sees that and thinks bhabhi maa did good by rejecting Bhoomi’s money and prays god to ruin Bhoomi’s plan and stop her becoming Prajapati family’s permanent member.

Ansh reaches home and alleges Bhoomi that she provoke her staff members to give catering order to her instead of poor lady. He says he realized her prank on time, else he would have snatched order from poor lady, bhoomi herself.i]

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